Case Study

Website Redesign and User Journey Optimization for Shifa USA


Shifa USA, a community-focused healthcare provider in Houston, sought to revamp its digital presence to enhance donation capabilities and streamline user experiences. The organization relied heavily on donations to fund its healthcare initiatives and needed a solution that would maximize donor engagement.

D3 Case Study - Shifa


Shifa USA’s previous website lacked mobile optimization and presented a high-friction donation experience, resulting in high abandonment rates. The organization needed a website that simplified the donation process while providing users with a seamless and intuitive experience across devices.


Diagnal3 re-engineered Shifa USA’s website using best-in-class UX/UI design principles. We optimized the site for mobile, ensuring a responsive design that allowed for seamless navigation. The donation process was reimagined to reduce friction, incorporating one-click donation functionality and automated CRM integrations for real-time donor tracking.

UX/UI Design

Diagnal3 re-engineered Shifa USA’s website using best-in-class UX/UI design principles. We optimized the site for mobile responsiveness, ensuring seamless navigation across devices, creating an intuitive and engaging user experience.

D3 Case Study

Business Process Reengineering (BPR)

The donation process was reimagined through business process reengineering, incorporating one-click donation functionality. This streamlined approach improved user experience and increased donation efficiency, enabling quicker and more effortless contributions.

D3 Case Study

CRM Integration

Diagnal3 integrated automated CRM systems into the website, enabling real-time donor tracking and management. This enhanced Shifa USA’s ability to monitor and engage donors effectively, ensuring efficient and personalized communication

D3 Case Study



Our redesigned website is a game-changer, making it easier for donors to support our cause. Diagnal3 delivered beyond our expectations.

Melanie Codio, Executive Director, Shifa USA

Looking to optimize your website for engagement and conversions?

Contact Diagnal3 today to discuss how we can help transform your digital experience.

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